Conference travel award opportunities - Brisbane 2023
NZFSS are committed to helping members attend this year’s conference - we can offer financial support to our members to attend the Brisbane conference in the several ways - all you have to make sure of us your current NZFSS membership, and some of the criteria below.
Financial support options:
- V.H. Jolly Conference Travel Awards (for students)
To assist students with travel costs to attend our annual Freshwater Sciences conferences. There is $500 per person for NZFSS conferences held overseas. To be considered for a V.H. Jolly Conference Travel Award, you must be presenting either a talk or a poster. Further details and (from next week) the 2023 applications forms are on the website:
Student Conference Awards • New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society
- SIL Trust Fund Travel Awards (for early career researchers)
This award to is enable outstanding young scientists to attend overseas conferences, seminars or workshops, to visit institutions to learn techniques, develop expertise, use equipment, collections or library facilities not available in New Zealand. The award is a grant-in-aid, designed to contribute towards to the costs of travel, accommodation and living expenses, up to a total of $2000. You need to be younger than 35 years of age, or have graduated in the last 10 years, to be a strong contender for this award.
If you are mainly travelling to attend the Brisbane conference, please consider what additional activities (e.g. those listed above) could be undertaken while you are in Brisbane, and include these in your application to strengthen your case. The Award is not usually given solely to attend an overseas conference.
For details of the criteria and requirements of this award, and the application form, please visit the page:
SIL Trust Fund Awards • New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society.
- NZFSS direct support (open to all non-student members)
Because NZFSS is currently in a strong financial position, we would like to make funds available to help support our members to attend this conference. It is likely that this will be through covering the registration fee (+ dinner), but contributions towards travel or accommodation may be alternatives. We are also seeking expressions of interest/applications for such support (in addition to the V.H. Jolly and SIL Trust Fund awards) for the upcoming Brisbane conference. The button below will serve as your application and give us information on the best type of support to provide.
Apply for direct conference attendance assistance from NZFSS
The deadline for all of the above applications will be 20 February 2023. We will then be able to let you know the outcome before Early Bird registration for the conference closes on the 3 March.
Any questions, please contact us at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Posted: 31 January 2023