The Best Student Paper Award is given for the best student paper published in the freshwater sciences in the year preceding the conference by a New Zealand student or a student studying or working in New Zealand.
This award will complement the best oral and poster presentation awards given out annually at the NZFSS conference and highlight the importance of communicating science by publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Students wishing to be considered for this award must meet the following criteria:
- The student must be the first author of the publication. If the paper is co-authored, written confirmation from the student’s supervisor that the paper is the student’s own work may be required.
- The student must be a current member of the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society.
- The student must be currently registered as a student or have graduated within the last two years. The paper must be on research completed while they were a student as part of their postgraduate qualification (generally, BSc(Hons), MSc or PhD).
How to apply
Students can apply by submitting their paper as an email attachment (PDF preferred) to [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] by 31 October. Applications should also include a brief summary of each author’s contribution to the research, following the roles set out by CRediT.
For example, Ash: Data curation, Formal Analysis, Visualization, Writing- Original draft preparation. Birch: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Supervision. Cedar: Writing- Reviewing and Editing, Supervision.
- The Awards committee nominated by the NZFSS Executive will review all publications.
- At the discretion of the committee, the award may not be given out every year if papers are judged to have not reached the required standard.
- The award will have a monetary value ($500) and will be supported by NZFSS or a sponsor.
- The award will be presented at the concluding social function of the conference with other prizes and a link to the paper on the appropriate journal’s website will be posted on the NZFSS website.
- The paper can be published in any peer-reviewed scientific journal and is not limited to New Zealand publications.
- A student can only submit one paper per year.
- The same paper can only be submitted once.
- A student is eligible to receive this award more than once.
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Best Student Paper Award Recipients
Jointly awarded in 2023 to Markus Dengg and Chris Meijer
Markus Dengg for “Bioavailable iron concentrations regulate phytoplankton growth and bloom formation in low-nutrient lakes” by M. Dengg, C.H. Stirling, K. Safi, N.J. Lehto, S.A. Wood, K. Seyitmuhammedov, M.R. Reid, P. Verburg. Science of The Total Environment (2023), 902
Chris Meijer for “The suitability of a dynamic coastal lake to support diadromous fish Galaxias maculatus” by C.G. Meijer, M.J.H Hickford, D.P. Gray, D.R. Schiel. Marine and Freshwater Research (2024), 75
Andrew Watson, 2022
“Interacting effects of density and temperature on fish growth rates in protected freshwater populations” by A.S. Watson, M.J.H. Hickford, D.R. Schiel. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2022), 289, 1967
Katie Brasell, 2021
“Lake microbial communities are not resistant or resilient to repeated large‐scale natural pulse disturbances” by K.A. Brasell, J. Howarth, J.K. Pearman, S.J. Fitzsimons, A. Zaiko, X. Pochon, M.J. Vandergoes, K.S. Simon and S.A. Wood. Molecular Ecology (2021), 30, 5137–5150. doi:10.1111/mec.16110
Katie Collins, 2020
“Trialling tools using hand-weeding, weed mat and artificial shading to control nuisance macrophyte growth at multiple scales in small agricultural waterways”. by K.E. Collins, C.M. Febria, H.S. Devlin, K.L. Hogsden, H.J. Warburton, B.C. Goeller, A.R. McIntosh and J.S. Harding. Freshwater Biology (2020), 44, 512-526. doi:10.1080/00288330.2020.1722185
Finnbar Lee, 2019
“Assessing the role of off‐take and source–sink dynamics in the extinction of the amphidromous New Zealand grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus)”. by F. Lee and G.L.W. Perry. Freshwater Biology (2019), 64, 1747–1754. doi:10.1111/fwb.13366
Emma Moffett, 2018
“Local adaptation reduces the metabolic cost of environmental warming” by E.R. Moffett, D.C. Fryxell, E.P. Palkovacs, M.T. Kinnison and K.S. Simon. Ecology (2018), 99, 2318-2326. doi:10.1002/ecy.2463
Sophie Hunt, 2017
“Interactive effects of land use, temperature, and predators determine native and invasive mosquito distributions” by S. K. Hunt, M. L. Galatowitsch and A. R. McIntosh. Freshwater Biology (2016), 62, 1564-1577. doi:10.1111/fwb.12967
Sean Waters, 2016
“The use of a mass balance phosphorus budget for informing nutrient in shallow coastal lakes” by S. Waters and J. G. Webster-Brown. Journal of Hydro-environment Research (2016), 10, 32-49. doi:10.1016/j.jher.2015.11.002
Emma Moffett, 2015
“Urbanisation and earthquake disturbance influence microbial nutrient limitation in streams” by E. R. Moffett, K. S. Simon and J. S. Harding. Freshwater Biology (2015), 60, 1671-1687. doi:10.1111/fwb.12600
Jeremy ‘Jay’ Piggott, 2014
“Climate warming and agricultural stressors interact to determine stream periphyton community composition” by J. J. Piggott, R. K. Salis, G. Lear, C. R. Townsend and C. D. Mattaei. Global Change Biology (2014), doi:10.1111 / gcb.12661
Frank Burdon, 2013
“Habitat loss drives threshold response of benthic invertebrate communities to deposited sediment in agricultural streams” by F. J. Burdon, A. R. McIntosh and J. S. Harding. Ecological Applications (2013), 23, 1036-1047. doi:10.1890/12-1190.1
Kristy Hogsden, 2012
“Anthropogenic and natural sources of acidity and metals and their influence on the structure of stream food webs” by K. L. Hogsden and J. S. Harding. Environmental Pollution (2012), 162, 446-474. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.10.024
Hamish Grieg, 2010
“Reinforcing abiotic and biotic time constraints facilitate the broad distribution of a generalist with fixed traits” by H. S. Grieg and S. A. Wissinger. Ecology (2010), 91, 836-846. doi:10.1890/08-1871.1