Māori Freshwater Research Scholarship
Mō wai, mōu māori mā – Water for all
Manawā ā whenua are aquifers, bodies of water underground, unseen, many untapped! The potential for Māori students is primarily unseen, and for too many, untapped, waiting to be accessed. The NZFSS He Manawā ā Whenua scholarship is open to Māori students studying a Bachelor Honours Degree (or equivalent) or Master’s Degree with a focus on freshwater ecosystems. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage Māori students to pursue a research career and develop their capability in freshwater ecology and/or kaupapa Māori research surrounding wai.
Scholarship value: $7,500.
Applications for the scholarship close on 30 October 2024.
Lucy Coulston, 2023
Exploring the social-ecological values assoicated with the restoration of mahinga kai in two lowland wetlands (University of Canterbury)
Alyssa Thomas, 2022
Developing a holistic understanding of hapū aspirations for freshwater through the engagement of rangatahi voices in Takahiwai Northland (Victoria University of Wellington)
Shana Jade Edgecombe, 2021
Identifying catchment scale land use to determine potential nutrient generation and integrating scientific monitoring measures used in freshwater monitoring and management with Māori values through the Cultural Health Index (University of Waikato)
Lucy Sanson, 2020
If the river is a person, how do you manage it? A research project exploring the barriers to and priorities for implementing Te Awa Tupua (Massey University)