NZFSS mentoring scheme - now open for applications (mentors and mentees)
The New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society mentoring scheme is now into its third year. The aim of the scheme is to connect members throughout the country and give everyone an opportunity to share their experiences. Last year 18 pairs were matched up.
We’re looking for mentors and mentees for 2024. Mentees can be students or early career ecologists (typically within 7 years of completing their highest qualification allowing for career gaps) and mentors can be anyone working in freshwater sciences or freshwater management. Mentees must be current members of NZFSS and mentors are encouraged to join or renew their membership.
Some people can be both a mentor and a mentee, for instance, a postdoc could mentor a student and seek mentoring from a more senior ecologist. Mentoring pairs will be matched based on experience of the mentor and needs of the mentee where possible. Mentoring topics include balancing work and family, writing a paper and getting it published, developing a CV and any other topics pairs decide they would like to cover. Being a mentor can be hugely satisfying – supporting another freshwater ecologist navigate their way around pot-holes you once fell into. Being a mentee can help bounce ideas past someone with more experience but not your direct manager or supervisor.
The scheme is run online and we generally suggest mentoring pairs meet four times via Zoom or Teams between the months of May and November.
If you are interested in being part of the scheme, please apply using this form by March 30th 2024. If you were part of the scheme in 2023 and are happy to be considered again then please fill in the form again (or if you’re tight on time just email Rosemary).
Any questions, please email the mentoring scheme coordinator Rosemary Miller,
Posted: 16 February 2024